Monday, December 11, 2023

Israel Bombs Posts in Southern Damascus to Escape its Failure in Gaza

Israel carried out a new bombing against some posts in western and southwestern Damascus shortly before midnight yesterday, Sunday 10 December, inflicting injuries and material damage.

The barrage of missiles Israel fired from over the Golan around 11:05 pm lasted for 20 minutes, the Syrian Arab Army's air defense shot down most of the incoming missiles; witnesses in the occupied Syrian Golan reported seeing 3 Israeli fighter jets carrying out the bombing.

Bombing Syria is a war crime, a breach of Syria's territories, security, and sovereignty, a violation of international law, the UN Charter, and the 1974 disengagement agreement sponsored by the United Nations Security Council.

Since when did Israel care about international law or any international norms? The anti-Jewish Zionist entity was created to steal land based on false misinterpreted biblical quotes about other people.

Political analysts monitoring the Israeli bombing of Syria and southern Lebanon, the calm of the Syrian leadership, and the measured reaction by the Lebanese resistance to these bombings agreed that Israel is trying to get out of its failures in Gaza by trying to ignite a regional war forcing the USA and other NATO members to fight on its behalf while it continues the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in Gaza.

By denying Israel's dream of starting a new war and instead resorting to the war of attrition against the Zionist entity and its NATO sponsors while the Axis of Resistance continues to build up its forces, the Axis of Resistance might not need a war to liberate all of Palestine, and the war in Gaza, though painful regarding the losses of children and women massacred by Israel, not only exposes the real criminal nature of NATO and the Israelis, it depletes the powers of the US-led Axis of Evil.

More about these latest developments in this report: Stuck in Gaza, Israel, its NATO Sponsors, and Proxies Bomb Syria.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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