Friday, October 13, 2023

Lebanese Hezb Allah Kill 2 Israeli IDF Commanders in Retaliation, IDF also Kill an Israeli Settlers

Israeli IDF after getting the humiliating defeat of their lives by the Palestinian fighters from Gaza, went on full alert to the extent they started imagining things even in the north of occupied Palestine: swarms of drones, Hezb Allah fighters in their homes, and incoming missiles toward them to the extent they started shooting at each other and killed at least one Israeli settler.

Panicking further, the Israeli IDF imagined that the Lebanese Hezb Allah fighters stormed their illegal settlements in northern Palestine, they bombed a site manned by Hezb Allah in southern Lebanon on the other side of the borders and killed 2 Hezb Allah fighters.

Hezb Allah retaliated by blowing up an Israeli IDF armored vehicle killing those inside. The Israeli Army did not admit the casualties inside the armored vehicle which prompted Hezb Allah to repeat the attack and kill 2 Israeli IDF commanders and film the operation.

Other IDF soldiers thought a white pickup truck was driven by a Hezb Allah fighter infiltrating near their base, they opened fire at him, he ran over 5 of them injuring all 5, and they killed him, it turned out he was a settler from the area and when they opened fire at him, he also thought they were Hezb Allah members infiltrating the settlement he stays in.

All the time, Hezb Allah maintains complete silence except for the statement mourning the two soldiers killed by the Israeli IDF and vowing to avenge their killing and later releasing the video confirming the kills.

Details in this post: Hezb Allah and Israeli IDF are Killing Israeli Soldiers and Settlers!

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