Monday, September 4, 2023

US-sponsored ISIS in Southern Syria on Assassination Spree against Syrian Officials

As ISIS, the 'most-horrifying' terrorist organization was rapidly losing its last ground in southern Syria in September 2019, the US war ministry (the Pentagon) threatened to revive it again stronger and more lethal, 4 years later, the terrorist organization is making a come back out of the region protected by the US Army in southern Syria.

US-sponsored ISIS in Southern Syria on Assassination Spree against Syrian Officals

An assassination, a failed assassination attempt, and an armed large insurrection in 3 different Syrian provinces within 24 hours only, that's what the Pentagon meant by reviving ISIS.

As ISIS remnants carry out their terrorist attacks within the ranks of hordes of NATO forces in northwestern Syrian Idlib province, their colleagues in the south are busy targeting individuals, mainly government and political officials.

Syrian Police Major Muhammad Al Ahmad was on his way to work through the village of Heenah when an IED (Improvised Explosive Device - bomb) planted beneath his car was detonated, totally destroying the vehicle and severely injuring the police officer.

In less than 24 hours, ISIS remnants assassinated Baath Party local official in the city of Nawa Abdul Ilah Al Fadhil, in the northern countryside of Daraa province, southern Syria shooting him with several bullets from their automatic rifles.

Local sources believe that both attacks have the fingerprints of ISIS, and that this US-sponsored and protected group is carrying out these series of terrorist attacks against the Syrian people.

More in this report: Syrian Politician Assassinated and Police Officer Injured by ISIS.

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