Sunday, September 3, 2023

Heavy Clashes with NATO Forces, 16 Syrian Army Soldiers Killed and over 45 Terrorists Eliminated

The Syrian Arab Army lost 16 martyrs in the last week of continuous clashes with the assorted NATO forces infesting northwest of Syria; the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with the assistance of the Russian air forces inflicted heavy casualties among the NATO forces detailed below.

In response to the latest escalation of hostilities by NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda terrorists that started about 2 weeks ago, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) heavy artillery, Grad missiles, and laser-guided rockets destroyed dozens of dens, weapons depots, and gatherings of Al Qaeda and at least, and caused considerable damage to 2 illegal Turkish Army bases in the countryside of Idlib, Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama.

The Turkish Army is not releasing information about their casualties in northern Syria, the same goes with their proxy Al Qaeda Levant terrorists which imposed a total media blackout to conceal the fact that their killed terrorists are non-Syrian members of the US-led NATO-sponsored Syrian 'opposition'.

In a particular incident in the Manbij area of Aleppo countryside, hordes of Al Qaeda Levant (aka Nusra Front - HTS) attacked a Syrian Army post killing 16 Syrian soldiers; The terrorists disguised as tribal Syrian groups seeking refuge from the Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists before attacking the SAA post.

This heinous attack drew very heavy retaliation from the Syrian Army against the illegal Turkish Army bases.

Details of last week's clashes are in my report on Syria News 16 Syrian Army Martyrs and More than 45 al Qaeda Terrorists Killed.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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