Sunday, August 6, 2023

More Weapons, Munition and Drugs Seized, US-sponsored Terrorists Arrested in Daraa

New quantities of weapons, munition, and drugs were seized from several locations near the borders with Jordan in the southern countryside of Daraa, in southern Syria within the ongoing operation to combat these traffickers, also several terrorists working for Biden were arrested in this operation by the Syrian law enforcement agencies.

Daraa: Syrian Security Seize Drugs and Weapons, arrest Terrorists

The Syrian Arab Army joined the combing operations carried out by Syrian security in the southern Daraa countryside across the borders with Jordan, another US/ UK protectorate in the Levant.

A Syrian security official gave a brief about the operation to the Syrian news agency SANA, while our sources in Daraa confirmed the large-scale joint military and security operation in the region after the recent wave of deadly terrorist attacks by US-sponsored ISIS and Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists in many locations in Syria.

Areas controlled by the Syrian government have barely reported fewer activities by drug traffickers, mostly of traffickers arrested while going through these areas.

The terrorists and their trafficker colleagues try their best to avoid going through the Syrian Government-controlled areas, if they were to be caught by Syrian law enforcement, capital punishment is guaranteed for them.

It's not enough that the Syrian Arab Army and the Syrian security agencies have to deal with tens of thousands of terrorists, thousands of NATO occupying forces, and loose criminals across the country, they also have to deal with drug traffickers trying to turn Syria into another Turkey or Israel, the two main hubs for all illegal activities and organized crimes in the world.

More about this latest achievement in this report: Daraa: Syrian Security Seize Drugs and Weapons, arrest Terrorists.

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