Monday, July 24, 2023

Syrian Army Destroys NATO's Al Qaeda Cannons, Drones, and Weapons Depots

Syrian Arab Army - SAA bombed and destroyed posts of the NATO Turkey-sponsored Al Qaeda Levant terrorists in the countryside of Aleppo, Idlib, and Hama, in the northwest of Syria, in retaliation to the provocation of the NATO proxy army against the Syrian people in those regions.

At least one known Al Qaeda commander was known among the dozens of Al Qaeda terrorists killed and injured in the latest artillery precision shelling by the Syrian Arab Army in the western countryside of Aleppo, the eastern and southern countryside of Idlib, and the northern countryside of Hama over the past 24 hours.

In addition to scores of casualties among their ranks, Al Qaeda terrorists sponsored by the NATO 'defensive' alliance had their quarters, weapons, and munition depots destroyed.

Local sources from the regions targeted confirmed the direct hits in the ranks of Al Qaeda Levant (aka HTS or Hayat Tahrir Sham, Jabhat Nusra or Nusra Front, FSA...) despite the media blackout the terrorists and their protectors from the Turkish Army tried to enforce.

The Al Qaeda local commander killed in these shellings in the western Aleppo countryside was identified as Hussein Ahmad Masri – Abu Ahmad Takad.

More in this report including an interactive map and useful links: Syrian Army Bombs NATO’s Al Qaeda Terrorists in Aleppo and Idlib.

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