Monday, April 3, 2023

Israel's Terrorist War of Bombing against Syria

Half an hour after midnight yesterday, Israeli fighter jets fired a barrage of missiles against several Syrian military posts in Homs, central Syria, they used the Lebanese air space for their terrorist attack.

Israel's Terrorist War of Bombing against Syria

Reports of 5 Syrian soldiers injured in the bombing in addition to material damage, conflicting reports about the targeted posts some of which include the Al-Dhabha military airport and the SAA air defense units near it.

The Al-Dhabha military airport, like other airports in Homs province, is mainly responsible for the air cover for the Syrian Army and its allied forces in combating ISIS in the Syrian desert, it's far from Israel and Turkey and the illegal US military bases in Syria.

In case some still cannot make the link between ISIS, Al Qaeda, and their creators the USA, the NATO 'defensive' alliance, and Israel, at the same time Israel bombs any post in Syria, there are coordinated large-scale terrorist attacks on the Syrian army in different areas in the country.

The first link we were able to make was way back in 2013 when Israel bombed Damascus for the first time and at the same exact moment, thousands of Al Qaeda FSA terrorists tried to storm the Syrian capital from Al Midan residential district in the south.

Either al Qaeda and its affiliated and offshoot terrorist groups are able to spy within the Israeli airforce command, or the same party commanding both the Israelis and Al Qaeda lay down the plan and command its execution.

The Syrian air defense shot down most of the incoming missiles, however, it was overwhelmed with the number of them, unlike the case of NATO's proxy army in Ukraine, the Israelis have plenty of missiles to fire no thanks to the generosity of the US and European taxpayers.

The Syrian people have been fighting back one of the world's largest wars for the past 12 years against NATO's combined forces: Israel, the US Army, UK Army, French and Belgium 'intelligence' agents, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Gulfies.

More about yesterday's Israeli heinous terrorist attack in this report: Israel Bombs Homs from Over Lebanon Injuring 5 Syrian Soldiers.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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