Saturday, April 1, 2023

Israel Escalating its Terrorist War on Syria, Bombs Damascus Again

Within less than 24 hours, the anti-Jewish terrorist regime of foreign settlers on stolen Palestinian land dubbed Israel carried out its second bombing against the Syrian capital Damascus, this time killing an Iranian military consultant attached to a Syrian Army's post.

Israel Bombs Damascus for the 2nd Time in Less than 24 Hours

The midnight bombing came from over the occupied Syrian Golan, another war crime the Zionists are allowed to continue committing with the full support of the 'collective west' and its NATO 'defensive' alliance.

The targeted military post is responsible for protecting the southern region of the Syrian capital from al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists, the other proxy groups working for the fading US empire.

During the past years, the Iranian consultants were helping the Syrian Arab Army SAA and Iranian-backed fighters in combating Al Qaeda and its affiliates and offshoots all over the country, similar to their help to the Iraqi armed forces when ISIS stormed the northern regions and was threatening the Iraqi capital.

The Iranian help to combat terrorists in Syria was claimed by NATO and Israel as a threat toward the Zionist entity, the only justification for that is the context that the Iranian help in combating terrorism threaten the US and Zionist aggression in the region.

There's no coincidence that Israeli bombings are always accompanied by coordinated terrorist attacks against the Syrian people and Syrian army posts across the country. They are all commanded by the same US-led NATO 'defensive' alliance.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus for the 2nd Time in Less than 24 Hours.

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