Thursday, January 5, 2023

US Army Stealing Dozens More of Syrian Oil and Wheat Tankers

Biden forces under the guise of the US Army operating illegally in Syria continue to steal Syrian oil and wheat on a daily basis ever since their deployment under the fake task of combating ISIS, the latest was 60 tankers and trucks yesterday alone.

US Army Steals 60 Tankers and Trucks of Syrian Oil and Wheat

Our sources in the Al Jazira region confirmed spotting two convoys of tankers and trucks loaded with stolen Syrian oil and wheat heading toward the US military bases in Iraq, and crossing into the neighboring country through the two illegal Al Waleed and Mahmoudiyeh crossings.

The convoy comprising 24 trucks and tankers carrying stolen Syrian wheat and oil was accompanied by US armored vehicles, it crossed into Iraq through the illegal Al Waleed crossing point.

Another convoy of 36 tankers carrying stolen Syrian oil was seen heading toward the Al Mahmoudieh illegal crossing on the Iraqi borders, no reports of seeing US armored vehicles with this convoy, most likely only Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists would be guarding this stolen oil.

It's the same US junta of the woke Biden and his clan who keep crying about the sovereignty of Ukraine, just to keep this in mind.

We rely on local sources in the northeastern regions of Syria, it's called the 'Al Jazira' region which means 'the Island' as it's situated between a set of rivers, the Euphrates, Tigris, and their branches, this comprises the provinces of Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, and Hasakah, not surprising the most agricultural fertile land in Syria and coincidentally where Syria's main oil and gas fields are located in which the US regimes of Obama, Trump, and Biden are sponsoring ISIS, Kurdish SDF, and other nefarious terrorist groups.

More in this report: US Army Steals 60 Tankers and Trucks of Syrian Oil and Wheat.

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