Friday, December 30, 2022

NATO Freedom Fighters Landmine Kills Four Farmers in Syria

A landmine explosion killed four farmers on a farm in the countryside of Salamiyah in Hama province, central Syria, the Hama Police Command stated.

Four Farmers Killed by ISIS Landmine Explosion in Central Syria

The explosion took place in the early morning of Wednesday 28 December 2022; the bodies of the victims were taken to the city's main hospital.

Hama police command's statement confirmed the landmine was planted by ISIS terrorists before they were defeated by the Syrian Arab Army and were forced to flee from the region.

NATO, the defensive alliance [sic], and its allies sponsored a plethora of freedom fighter groups in Syria, literally as what a western politician named Joe Biden stated when he was the vice president of the USA: 'they (referring to his country's coalition) were ready to support any group that accepted to fight against (the Syrian President) Assad'.

The CIA later tells us that almost every member of those freedom fighters ended up in one of the radical groups, a term used to point to Al Qaeda and its affiliates and offshoot groups including ISIS in Syria.

Despite the non-stop efforts by the Syrian Army's Engineering Corps and sappers from friendly countries like Armenia and Russia, the task to remove tens of thousands of landmines and explosive devices planted in every area infested by the NATO-sponsored freedom fighters (al Qaeda, ISIS...) in Syria is overwhelming.

Furthermore, the US-led western coalition of humanitarians impedes the work of the UNMAS, a United Nations action organization whose sole job is to help countries dismantle mines and explosives, impose sanctions and blockade against the Syrian state rendering its efforts to acquire needed equipment to locate and remove those killing tools fruitless.

More in this report: Four Farmers Killed by ISIS Landmine Explosion in Central Syria.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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