Friday, October 21, 2022

Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood Hamas Returning to Syria

After a decade of following the wrong path, the Palestinian Gaza-based Hamas faction has gone through a major review of its policies, shook up its politburo and decided to return to Syria, their statement saying as much was followed by a visit of one of its main leaders to Damascus and meeting President Bashar Assad.

Hamas Returns to Damascus after a Decade of Betraying Syrians

Hamas, unlike the rest of the Palestinian resistance factions, follows the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood doctrine, a doctrine invented by Britain to infiltrate the Islamic world from within misinterpreting Quran verses and Prophet Muhammad's sayings to turn Muslims against fellow Muslims in order to serve the British empire and consequently the Zionists controlling the western world.

Some of the Muslim Brotherhood's top leaders the British and US spy agencies managed to recruit and promote to reach leading roles are Erdogan of Turkey, Zawahiri of Al Qaeda, the former Egyptian president Morsi, Tunisian En-Nahda party which took over the country in the Arab Spring plot, and others.

Syria's criteria to evaluate resistance groups is their stance against the Zionist project, the Zionist project is not a religious one, Zionism is a political movement sponsored by the British Empire and the Rothschilds and other bankers to build a kingdom for the Antichrist, as per their own documents, whether in Palestine, Crimea, Southern Ukraine, Argentina, it doesn't matter, they did manage to control the US monetary system and consequently the US political arena to a very large extent.

At the beginning of the US-led series of color revolutions in the Arab World dubbed the Arab Spring, Hamas, which had its main base in Damascus, followed the lead of its political leader Erdogan in standing against the Syrian state, Erdogan who said in a TV interview that he was promised a leading role in the region by George W. Bush if he helps with the Greater Israel project dubbed the Greater Middle East.

Soon enough, Hamas moved its offices from Damascus to no other than the Qatari capital Doha, next to the US largest military base in the region, that much they were comfortable operating next to the US military.

During the past decade, Hamas fighters with their knowledge of the Palestinian main camps in Syria for their long presence there helped fighters from ISIS (Daesh - ISIL) to penetrate and destroy many of those camps which resulted in the killing, injuring, and displacement of tens of thousands of Palestinians and Syrians.

Recently and after the Muslim Brotherhood failed in the region after their failure to take over Syria, Hamas, like its master in Turkey, made a review and decided it's time to return to Syria instead of becoming an outcast among the Palestinians and the rest of the world.

A large pressure was exerted on the Syrian leadership by Syria's allies, mainly Iran, Russia, and the Lebanese Hezb Allah to accept mending the relations with Hamas which was asked to issue a formal apology to the Syrian people.

Hamas issued a statement saying it made the review and changed a lot of its senior leaders including Khaled Mishaal who remains in Qatar, and that it seeks to mend its relations with Syria, the statement fell short of apologizing to Syria and the Syrian people for the betrayal and the spilling of innocent blood it caused which left a large segment of the Syrian people to remain angered with Hamas despite accepting the decision of the Syrian President to receive a delegation from Hamas.

However and due to the anger of the Syrian people that remains toward Hamas, Syrians are not pragmatic people, they are very principled especially in things that matter, the delegation of Hamas that visited Damascus and met the Syrian President had to be within a large delegation that included all the other Palestinian factions.

More in this report: Hamas Returns to Damascus after a Decade of Betraying Syrians.

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