Thursday, August 4, 2022

Surprise: 'Moderate Rebels' in Syria Mourn the Killing of their Leader Zawahiri!

In case you didn't know or you were brainwashed into ignorance being bombarded with identity issues, Ayman Zawahiri is the head of Al Qaeda, he's old, he's more like a symbolic figure enjoying his semi-retirement save an audio recording every now and then, until Biden needed any card he can collect approaching the US mid-term elections.

NATO’s Moderate Rebels (HTS) in Idlib Mourn Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri

In case you didn't know, there are literally tens of thousands of Al Qaeda and Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists including those of its offshoot ISIS (ISIL) in Syria in two major concentrations, one in the north of Syria operating side by side with the Turkish army, NATO's second-largest second-strongest army but they're called there 'moderate rebels' despite their slogans, banners, history of documented crimes, by them, and despite they have the same leaders when that the United Nations Security Council listed their organizations as terrorist groups.

The other concentration, much smaller than the one in the north but still deadly, is in the southeast of Syria in the depth of the Syrian desert of Al Tanf region, guess what's there as well? The US's largest illegal military base in Syria. Those terrorists operating in that region side by side with the US army, even getting trained and equipped and carrying out military drills with the US celebrated by the US-led 'alliance' are not called Al Qaeda or ISIS despite being ISIS remnants who fled from Daraa province when the Syrian army liberated most of that province in 2018, they are called 'Maghawir Thawra' or the Commandos of the Revolution, whatever that means.

The alleged killing of Al Qaeda's symbolic figure with a slicing missile in the Afghani capital Kabul by the senile Biden sparked sadness among the commanders of the 'moderate rebels' in Syria, they couldn't hide their emotions because they're very sensitive and shared their mourning statements praising their 'heroic' leader killed by their main sponsors.

Unlike the early days of the US-led war of terror against Syria, western mainstream media do not broadcast the actions or even statements of these terrorists anymore, it's not useful in their efforts to whitewash their crimes and demonize their enemies, the Syrian army and its allies.

If you still hear anybody claiming that the USA or any of its allies combat terrorism, just walk away, you'll exhaust yourself in a one direction futile talk.

More in this report: NATO’s Moderate Rebels (HTS) in Idlib Mourn Al Qaeda’s Zawahiri.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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