Saturday, May 14, 2022

Degenerate Israeli IDF Terrorists Attack Funeral of Palestinian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

In a brazen disgusting degenerate subhuman attack, the Israeli IDF terrorists showed their true ugly nature when they stormed the French Hospital in Al Quds (Jerusalem) and started beating the pallbearers of the coffin of the Palestinian (US Citizen) Christian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, what's even more disgusting than this is that they shot her dead by a sniper bullet the day earlier.

The video is also on Bitchute and TikTok.

Despite the United Nations Security Council unanimously denouncing the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, calling for an investigation into the killing to hold the Israeli sniper, his superior who decided and who ordered the killing of Abu Akleh, and despite the outroar in the civilized world (minus the USA and all of the countries in its camp), the Israeli IDF terrorists insisted on showing they, whose forefathers bragged about crucifying Jesus Christ, are now bragging they killed one of the followers of Christ's message inside her coffin inside the hospital in her homeland.

I'm out of words of condemnation against the Israelis, their sponsors, and their crimes, seems they're in competition with their ISIS proxy terrorists against the real Semite people of the Levant and Mesopotamia, maybe these crimes are accepted in the self-proclaimed 'international community' comprising of only 10% of the world and representing the western countries, it's not accepted at all in the civilized world or by any civilized people.

This crime comes at a time the Israeli IDF terrorists are on a killing spree against the Palestinian people all over Palestine, with innocent Palestinians killed, maimed, beaten, and even kidnapped by these degenerate terrorists, they didn't even spare a 13 year old DEAF Palestinian girl the day before in Al Quds.

These are the beneficiaries of the western hard-earned taxpayers' monies, are you happy with the results where you're investing your money? Don't claim it's the governments who are supporting this, you voted for those governments and you did not hold any of them accountable for any crime they committed against any people around the globe.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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