Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Turkish Madman will Not Reconcile with Syria at Any Cost!

After 11 years of the vicious unprecedented collective war led by over 85 countries spearheaded by some of the world's superpowers and super-rich countries against one single country, Syria, with Turkey being one of the main conduits as a border state sharing over 900 kilometers, the Turkish madman Erdogan refuses to reconcile with Syria despite failing in achieving their main goal.

Erdogan with Assad: There is no Reconciliation before the Arabs and “Israel”

No matter how many innocent people were killed, millions displaced internally, other millions displaced externally as refugees, tens of thousands maimed, lost a limb or more, the NATO-led coalition of the evil axis continuing their war crimes against the Syrian people with exactly opposite to their narrative in Ukraine now.

In Ukraine, and ironically, in Yemen, the US-led coalition is telling us they are defending the sovereignty of the country against foreign invasion, in Yemen, the US-led Saudi coalition is telling us they are defending the 'legitimate' government against foreign-sponsored Houthi rebels except that the government they're defending in Yemen which is supposed to be seated in Sanaa, the Yemeni capital, is based in 5 stars hotels in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, while in Syria, the US-led coalition has breached the country's sovereignty, deployed US and Turkish troops illegally in the north where the oil wells, wheat, the Syrians main food staple, and water are, and in the southeast where the routes with the oil-rich Gulfies are, and in addition to all of that, have brought in tens of thousands of foreign terrorists into Syria through its neighboring borders, bombed the country to defend the people, and continues to siphon the Syrian oil!

The Turkish madman Erdogan was promised by the war criminal George W. Bush a 'leading role in the Greater Israel project' dubbed the 'Greater Middle East' project as per his own words in a TV interview, all he has to do is say yes sir to the US and Israeli officials whatever they instruct him to do, in exchange and in addition to the 'leading role' the USA and its Western 'democracy-defenders' will turn a blind eye to Erdogan's mafia businesses, the oppression against his own people including literally bombing entire villages to the ground in the southeast of Turkey, and to eliminating all opposition.

When he succeeded in Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, and was expanding in Africa, Erdogan still couldn't succeed in Syria, the failure in Syria caused the entire project in which Erdogan is having a leading role to reverse track and he has already lost Egypt and Tunisia, and to a large degree Morocco, that's why he's never forgiving the Syrian President Bashar Assad who ruined his neo-Ottoman Sultanate dreams.

Despite all the harm he has caused, Erdogan continues to reject any reconciliation with Syria, he is still waiting for the instructions from Israel as per Husni Mahali, a career Turkish journalist who wrote: Erdogan with Assad: There is no Reconciliation before the Arabs and “Israel”.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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