Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Zionism Again: What to Tell its Opponents?

Zionism, an ideology built on the principle of stealing other people's land to create a homeland for a specific group of people only connected by their religious beliefs and not only based on wrong interpretations of some ancient books, but it's also contradictory to the main Jewish teachings.

Yet, here we are, 125 years after the introduction of Zionism and after horrific war crimes committed to enabling this ideology and dozens of regional wars, bombings, aggression, war crimes committed, and millions of people slaughtered, maimed, uprooted, and displaced, millions of others herded to move into the new place cleansed from its own people by ways of seduction and intimidation, there are still some groups of people defending this evil ideology to inflict more horrors not only against the people targeted to steal their land, but also against the ones helping the thieves by means of sacrificing their children in such wars and ripping off their hard-earned tax money to finance these wars.

A question on Quora, the wiki Q and A social platform was sent to me yesterday to answer albeit it was posted on the platform about a year ago, goes like this:

Zionists, what's something you wish you could tell 'anti-Zionists'?

I'm copying my full reply here to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship, especially in all things relating to Israel, and to share the knowledge among the readers of this platform, maybe getting some objective feedback as well if someone has more information or thinks their information are more credible than mine, this is my reply to the above question:

I would tell the ‘anti-Zionists’ you’ve done great as you managed to distinguish between Judaism, Zionism, and Semitism, Judaism is a religion followed by several millions of people around the planet and came into existence around 5780 years ago, Zionism is a political movement that appeared around the year 1896, and Semitism is a race of people descendants of Sam son of Noah and living mostly in the Levant, West Asia, Belad Al Sham (the lands of Sam) geographically described as natural Syria which includes today’s political Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine (temporary under Israeli occupation), and northwest of Iraq.

The struggle against Zionism, the anti-Zionists are doing is tough especially since the Zionists managed over the past century to control the financial systems in most of the western countries who now control NATO, the evil aggressive alliance that combines former colonial powers and colonial wannabes despite its claims it’s a ‘defensive’ alliance, and they managed to control those countries basically because of the ignorance of the majority of the westerners in regards to religion, geography, and history.

For a glimpse of the emergence of Zionism, you can check their control over the USA or simply check Wikipedia, despite its narrative is being controlled largely by Israeli ‘intelligence’ and Israeli volunteering groups, some facts cannot be altered, yet.

The control of Zionists over the western media is even greater, therefore, the struggle against this weird ideology is even tougher in western countries.

Link to the above screenshot - click here

Even the more learned TorahJews account above confuses between Semitism and Judaism, it’s true that Judaism was first introduced to and followed by the Semites in the Levant, the majority of its followers now hail from Europe, Russia, and other Asian countries.

Continue opening the eyes of the world to the reality of Zionism, Zionists were the first to introduce terrorism in the Levant as per Wikipedia, again and the British occupiers of Palestine in the early years of last century: Who Took the Palestinians Properties and Why They Can’t Return to their Homes?

End of my answer on Quora.

Before commenting, be aware to use the proper terms in not to confuse Judaism, Semitism, and Zionism, attacking the first two 'Judaism and Semitism' is hate speech as it's targeting groups of people based on their religion and race, criticizing the last in all means and manners for its wrongful acts and its core ideology is a duty since it's a political movement that believes in a superior group of people who can achieve their sinister goals disregarding international and humanitarian laws, just like when criticizing Nazism, the anti-Islamic Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, KKK, and other radical groups.

Also note that I'm Syrian and I have in-depth knowledge of the above-discussed information and related topics, if someone wants to refute any of the above better be on solid grounds.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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