Monday, March 28, 2022

Syrian President Bashar Assad Exposes West's Hypocrisy and Zelensky's Support for Nazism

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad during a speech before Syrian Teachers commemorating Teacher's Day in Syria exposed the hypocrisy of the west, its goals, and how its masks fell off during the war on Syria, and now what's left of any masks have fallen off during the war on Ukraine including the West supports for Nazism and explained how the Zionist Jewish president of Ukraine Zelensky supports Nazism despite the fake cries of Zionists over the victims of the Holocaust.

The speech lasted 44 minutes and covered many aspects that concern the Syrian people, especially the teachers, the people of the Levant, and the developments in the world, I am planning to allocate time to translate the full speech, someday, however, in this part we can clearly hear how the CIA was supporting Nazism since the 1950s, and how the connection between Nazism and Zionism despite the fake enmity they tell the world.

President Assad might not appear as much as other world leaders who 'enlighten' us with their non-knowledge of historic events, geography, and even current day events and have their advisers constantly covering up for their public embarrassments, but when the Syrian President speaks, the world better listens, he's leading a country that has been fighting World War 3 alone for the past 11 years and has won against 85 countries including some of the world's superpowers and super-rich countries with their proxy terrorist groups, and for the past month, some battles have moved to Ukraine while the rest are still very much active in Syria.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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