Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Car Explosion in Azaz Kills al Qaeda Terrorist Loyal to Erdogan

A commander of Al Qaeda loyal to the Turkish madman Erdogan was killed when his car blew up in the Syrian northern city of Azaz yesterday.

NATO Erdogan Takfiri Continue Fratricide; One Blown up in Azaz

Local sources didn't give much details on the terrorist and no party declared responsibility for this attack although all fingerprints lead to one of NATO member states or proxies: the Turkish regime whose head of its 'intelligence' a so-called Hakkan Fidan is known for using and plotting false-flag operations to justify aggressions by his regime, any of the dozens of anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups operating under the protection of Turkey and the USA including Al Qaeda and its ISIS offshoot, or the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatists.

We will not whine about one less terrorist in northern Syria being eliminated, however, blowing up cars inside neighborhoods to take out targets is a cheap way of crimes that causes harm to the Syrian civilians in areas already occupied by Al Qaeda terrorists and their Turkish sponsors or by the Kurdish terrorists and their US sponsors.

Terrorists kill each other over territorial control or over the splitting of spoils of war, their sponsors eliminate them to use them in media propaganda stunts like how Obama claimed he killed Osama, Trump claimed he killed the former ISIS leader, and Biden claimed he killed the latest ISIS leader, the last two were in Idlib under the protection of the Turkish army and neither of the three produced any evidence proving their claims.

More about this latest car bomb that killed the commander in Al Qaeda in Azaz in this report: NATO Erdogan Takfiri Continue Fratricide; One Blown up in Azaz.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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