Wednesday, January 19, 2022

NATO Member Turkey Claims Killing 44 PKK Fighters in Retaliation to Killing 3 Turkish Soldiers!

It's been 3 days since the war minister of the NATO 2nd top leader the Turkish madman Erdogan when he claimed his forces 'killed 44 Kurdish PKK terrorists' in northern Syria in retaliation to the killing of 3 Turkish soldiers also in northern Syria, we're still waiting for evidence.

Turkey War Minister Claims Killing 44 PKK Terrorists without Any Proof

The Turkish officials are not known for any truth they tell, they're very much unknown for their honesty especially since the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood fanatics of the AKP party took over, its current leader Erdogan is more known as a flip-flopping politician who has sold and betrayed his own colleagues and also his mentor the late Erbakan, the man who made him the leader Fethullah Gülen who resides in his exile in the USA, and even backstabbing his closest business partner he used to call 'my little brother' the mafia boss Sedat Peker who also lives in exile.

To be fair, it's not uncommon for NATO leaders to lie to get away with their crimes and their heinous acts, take Tony Blair and George W. Bush for instance, so one cannot expect anything better from the war minister of Erdogan who claimed his forces have killed 44 PKK fighters in northern Syria last Saturday without showing any evidence.

The statement by Erdogan's aide can only be seen as a way to comfort the families of the soldiers he used as human shields for the Al Qaeda terrorists in northern Syria and were killed fulfilling this 'duty' in the course of reviving the most-hated Ottoman Empire.

More in this report: Turkey War Minister Claims Killing 44 PKK Terrorists without Any Proof.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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