Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Infighting Eliminates Commanders of a Terrorist Group in Northern Syria

A veteran commander of a terrorist group, his bodyguard, and an unknown number of his group's members were either killed or injured when other members of his same group opened fire at him in northern Aleppo countryside yesterday.

NATO-sponsored Ahrar sham terrorists in Aleppo northern Syria
NATO-sponsored Ahrar sham terrorists in Aleppo northern Syria

The terrorist commander headed the so-called 'Muhajireen Brigade,' a terrorist group of mostly foreigners acting as Syrian opposition under the larger umbrella of terrorists called 'Ahrar Al-Sham.'

The commander and his bodyguard were confirmed killed immediately in the first exchange of fire which was followed by heavy clashes between the commander's entourage and the terrorists manning a checkpoint at the entrance of a village near the town of Jinderis in Aleppo northwestern countryside. A blackout imposed by Al Qaeda Levant blocked any further leak of information from the region.

Infighting is common between these terrorist mercenaries working for NATO's 2nd top leader Erdogan, the Turkish madman and enemy of Islam. Erdogan is the political leader of a cult called the 'Muslim Brotherhood' which targets mainly other Muslims and other religions and from which the Al Qaeda / Mujahideen was created, Ayman Zawahiri, the leader of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan is also a member of this cult.

Details in this report: Erdogan’s Terrorists infighting Kills Several of them in Northern Aleppo.

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