Wednesday, January 12, 2022

After the Al Qaeda Lifeline in Idlib, NATO at the UNSC Regurgitate the Chemical File

NATO permanent member states at the United Nations Security Council, the USA, France, and Britain, leave aside all their domestic problems and concentrate their efforts on killing tens of thousands of more innocent people, inflicting more suffering on millions of others, and destroying more countries and always under a false pretext, these are the same countries that invaded and destroyed Iraq and Libya justified by lies they fabricated and were never held accountable for it and that's why we see them today continuing their 'humanitarian' missions and their 'force exporting their surplus of democracy and free speech' to the countries that are still not destroyed or partially destroyed and there's still more to be destroyed.

Chemical File Fetishists Hold 99th Bathhouse Meeting to Lie about Syria

The NATO attempts to continue destroying what's left of Syria as if their last 10 years were not enough, and as if their previous 2 medieval Crusader campaigns have never taught them anything, demonstrates that this alliance has only one task on its agenda and that has nothing to do with defending their countries or imposing their degenerate lifestyles unto others, it is only to steal more resources from countries, they believe, cannot defend itself.

A 'humanitarian' cross-borders lifeline to save the remnants of Al Qaeda in Idlib province, in the northwest of Syria on the borders with the other NATO member state Turkey, in the 'Al Qaeda last stronghold' as described by NATO officials themselves, is not enough to continue prolonging the suffering of the Syrian people, therefore, a need to continue using the fabricated already debunked so-called Chemical File at the UNSC must be used by NATO, their stooges, and their propagandists, who ironically see themselves on the same side of ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria but the 'price is worth it'..!

The 99th meeting was held and the same recording machines worked, no joke, that's the number of futile meetings held at the UNSC to discuss the same file to push the same fake narrative which the NATO officials and their missions at the UNSC are not understanding: if it worked with Iraq, why it's not working with Syria despite using the same textbook and even developing it?! Here's what happened during this infamous meeting: Chemical File Fetishists Hold 99th Bathhouse Meeting to Lie about Syria.

The sad reality is not only that NATO considers itself as a defense pact, without defining against who? There are people especially of its own citizens actually believe this fake narrative despite the endless war crimes their 'defense' alliance has committed across the world!

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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