Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Is Syria Undermining Israel's Security? Beware of Hasbara

There's an official 'state' policy in Israel called Hasbara, if you look it up you'll see it's an implementation to what Orwell described in his famous book 1984, it's mainly around the concept of using lies and deception to whitewash Israel's war crimes and negative image around the world of being a complex of European colonial bloodthirsty settlements of imported European radical settlers and the last apartheid regime in the world on the land of Palestine; at the same time, Hasbara includes demonizing all Israel's enemies, of course, those are the people it stole their land and looking to steal more, and the critics of Israel.

Hundreds of billions of US hard-earned taxpayers' dollars and other dozens of billions of European taxpayers' money in addition to hundreds of billions of US dollars from the Gulfies are spent to build, empower, protect, and defend Israel physically and in media.

Therefore, it's of no surprise to see posts like the questions asked on Quora, the wiki Q & A social media platform, this latest question put in this wording implies that Israel is a legal historic entity which Syria, for no reason, is undermining its security!

I was notified of the question being a member of Quora interested in topics around my country Syria, and I left a short answer which I'm copying here to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship in topics relating to Israel, remember Hasbra and the cost to maintain it?; and to share the information with the readers of this platform so they won't fall prey to the Israeli Hasbara, the question and my answer to it goes like this:

Q: If Syria recognized Israel and stopped undermining Israeli security would Israel consider returning the Golan Heights to Syria and how likely is such an agreement?

My Answer:
I’m afraid you got the question totally wrong, Syria predates the world in history, let alone predating the latest invention now called Israel, named after the father of biblical prophets and messengers to gain some historical credentials.

When Israel was invented by the British and this is well documented in the so-called Balfour Declaration, a promise by the British government to the Rothschilds to give them land which it didn’t own to settle the Jews in the place where the Palestinians already, this started all the instability and insecurity not only in the Levant but throughout the entire region and way beyond.

Jews against Zionism

The control of the holy land, the sites most sacred for the Christians and second sacred for the Muslims was a British idea for continuous troubles, exactly what the British did in every colony they colonized around the world, they drew borders that crosses ethnic lines, instigated strife among different sects and where there were no other sects it created a new sect like how it created the Muslim Brotherhood doctrine in Egypt, for instance.

The very existence of Israel as a state built on land stolen from the real Semite people, the people of the Levant, and replacing them with imported European and Russian settlers based on their religion, is a constant cause of instability and a major threat to peace that will continue until this historical crime is corrected.

As long as there’s a single Palestinian calling Palestine his home, this struggle will continue to liberate Palestine at all costs, especially that the imported European, Russian, and from elsewhere settlers are committing daily crimes against the remnants of the Palestinians and against the holy places in Al Quds (Jerusalem) and Bethlehem.

Syria will naturally seek to liberate the Golan and will naturally stand by the Palestinians until they liberate their land and restore their rights, all biblical prophecies, the books preserved in the Levant and written before the ones altered in the Medieval days, all these prophecies say that Armageddon will be fought in this area and it’ll be the end of the Jewish presence as a statehood, note how they follow exactly this path to create a separate state for the Jews, they follow the prophecy, the original one, by the word.

One should ask any rabbi, any committed Jewish rabbi why did God prevent them from creating a state for themselves and scattered them among other nations, and why did he punish them each time they did so by the worse punishments? He will quote the Torah telling it’s prohibited for the Jews to create a state for themselves, and creating such a state in Palestine is the perfect challenge for God’s (Yehwa - Allah) will.

Here’s one, I just made a quick search:
Jews Against Zionism–an intro to their perspective

Ever since May 2000, Israel has lost every battle it fought despite the massive support it gets from all NATO member states and from the Gulfies, those who invested hundreds of billions of dollars in the recent war against Syria just to secure Israel after the 2006 war Israel waged against Lebanon and lost followed by the wars against Gaza and lost, the last of which was in May earlier this year which cost Israel’s last self-proclaimed king Netanyahu (Mr. Security) his throne. Smart European settlers who care for their own and for their children’s safety should go back to their home countries as soon as they can, their axis is losing and the axis in which Syria, Iran, Hezb Allah, and Yemen is winning, they also have the PMU in Iraq, the Palestinian factions, and tens of thousands of volunteers from all over the world waiting for the main and final war to start.

Frightened, Confused, and Tense, Israeli IDF Bombs itself and Accuses Hezb Allah!

End of my answer on Quora.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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