Friday, November 26, 2021

The White Helmets Preparing another Chemical Weapons Attack False Flag

The NATO-sponsored terrorist arm of the already UNSC-designated as terrorists Al Qaeda in Syria (aka Nusra Front or HTS) is preparing for a new false flag operation in which they will carry out a chemical weapons attack, or stimulate one, and market it with the help of their NATO sponsors as a chemical attack carried out by the Syrian Army.

Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib Plotting a New Chemical Attack False Flag Op

After their short-lived success in the Duma chemical attack hoax which was ensued with NATO bombing Syria over the false allegations, the White Helmets, the so-called 'civil defense' of Al Qaeda in Idlib were spotted by Russian drones, satellite footage, and by spies on the ground storing substances that are used in chemical attacks in a shelter underground in the city of Sarmada, Idlib Province.

The Russian Coordination Center in Syria informed the Syrian and Russian ministries of defense who issued a warning to the UNSC and OPCW in this regard, the warning is meant to deprive the terrorists of their chance to fabricate the attack hoax by exposing it being carried out by them.

More in this report: Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib Plotting a New Chemical Attack False Flag Op.

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