Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Israel Itching for a Regional War before the US Withdrawals, Bombs near Damascus

The anti-Jewish Zionist entity of foreign imported European radical settlers calling itself Israel continues to breach international law and attack its neighbors, the latest was shortly after midnight by attacking a site south of the Syrian capital Damascus.

Israel Bombs a Damascus Countryside Site after Midnight

This latest aggression comes after 3 days only from the last one which also targeted a couple of sites near Damascus, both aggressions were carried out by ground to ground missiles from occupied Palestine.

A Syrian military spokesperson said there was only material damage in the targeted site, the Syrians might be collecting points as long as Israel is not targeting any strategic site, the last time it did with the help of the US troops illegally deployed in southeast Syria who received a direct blow one week after when their illegal base was directly bombed in retaliation with Kamikaze drones and grad missiles.

More about this latest aggression and the background and why Israel is committing these breaches of the international law and how it's able to breach international law enjoying the P3 NATO member states controlling the UN Security Council in this report: Israel Bombs a Damascus Countryside Site after Midnight.

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