Saturday, October 16, 2021

More Turkish Soldiers Killed to Protect Al Qaeda Terrorists in Northern Syria

At least two more Turkish army soldiers were killed yesterday in a roadside bomb in the Syrian northwestern province of Idlib, aka the last Al Qaeda stronghold, this was followed by a blessed artillery shell by the Syrian Army against one of Al Qaeda headquarters in the province killing two senior Al Qaeda commanders, today.

Erdogan Loses 2 Soldiers and 2 Al Qaeda Commanders in One Day in Idlib

In total, Erdogan lost 4 of his soldiers in Syria, two of them were cannon fodders of the Turkish army he uses as human shields to protect 'Al Qaeda terrorists who are closer to his heart' and follow his anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood cult, and the two senior commanders eliminated today by the SAA, the latter drove the Turkish madman Erdogan mad and threatened to storm the Syrian city of Tal Rifat in the northern Aleppo countryside with herds of his terrorists of Al Qaeda aka HTS aka Nusra Front or Jabhat Nusra aka Al Qaeda Levant, the ISIS mainstream terrorists.

Just a reminder, Turkey is not only a member state of NATO, it boasts the second-largest army in the evil camp, if you don't like it to be called an evil camp then explain why they invaded Iraq, occupied Afghanistan for over 2 decades then let those it fought rule there, it supports Israel, and every single terrorist group in the world has direct lines to one of its member states under some different names: Freedom fighters, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Mujahideen, to name a few, and yes, we do not forget that the USA created the Mujahideen who turned later into Al Qaeda.

The latest losses of Erdogan's soldiers in northern Syria won't wake the Turkish people up, we saw them only re-electing the madman time and again, and when they took to the streets in protest against him it was because of a tree he wanted to chop off, not the tens of thousands of people his soldiers chopped off their heads in many countries.

However, it's not all dark, the Turkish Lira is collapsing in the past 10 years and lost its value 6 times already, millions of Turks are now unemployed, others are in prison for criticizing the sultan wannabe, and many are on the way to lose their earnings. This would help remove this pariah and send him to prison for the rest of his miserable life, where such criminals belong to.

More about the killing of the Turkish assets in northern Syria, sorry neutralizing (how Erdogan like to describe killing his victims) in this report: Erdogan Loses 2 Soldiers and 2 Al Qaeda Commanders in One Day in Idlib.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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