Thursday, September 30, 2021

The United Nations under the Supremacists: A False Witness 'For' NATO War Crimes

Let's not be shy to say genocides, in plural, what happened to Libya was a genocidal war crime by NATO countries, one of its leaders was sentenced today to an additional year in prison for receiving money for his presidential election campaign from the Libyan leader Gaddafi he helped kill to cover his tracks.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Addresses the UNGA 76 Session
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Addresses the UNGA 76 Session

What is going on in Syria is anything but a civil war, it's a NATO-orchestrated, led, and managed step by step, directly and indirectly through a host of proxy terrorist groups, adding to it the 'maximum pressure' economic terrorism and siege imposed by the USA which controls the world banking system and its EU stooges who collectively deprived the Syrian banks and merchants of access to international markets to acquire the much-needed medicine and food under the guise of helping the Syrian people!

Turkey is a NATO member state, its representative at the United Nations Security Council in each session he attends attacks the Syrian state for fighting terror on Syrian territories while his country is actively using water as a weapon against over a million Syrian people mainly in the province of Hasakah, in addition to Deir Ezzor and Raqqa, not to mention the open sponsorship of armed groups designated as terrorist groups on the United Nations list of terrorist organizations.

The above are just a couple of examples out of thousands of other examples throughout the past decade, the United Nations as a body and through its different organizations and topped by its secretary generals, the incumbent and his predecessors, were all deaf and silent toward the war crimes committed by NATO and co against the Syrian people, they only shout out loud and flood the United Nations building with their crocodile tears over non-existing hospitals bombed by the Syrian state, those buildings which are used as headquarters for the terrorist groups but NATO said they are hospitals, the UN parrotted it is hospitals, nobody bothered to listen to witnesses who were tortured in these 'hospitals' by the 'freedom fighters' or see the evidence shown by the Syrian state or its allies, to the extent they claimed that within a year the Syrian air force bombed dozens of hospitals in Idlib alone that a state of New York doesn't have that number even though the area of Idlib province is about 5% of the area of New York State!

Miri Wood, political analytic and investigative journalist walks us through some more war crimes the United Nations was an accomplice with while spewing slogans of human rights in her latest report: Antonio Guterres Tells UNGA to Restore Trust, Engages in Imperial Deceit.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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