Friday, August 27, 2021

Will the Syrian Kurds Draw the Lesson before It's Too Late?

The USA is best known to let down its agents and proxies at the first chance it can, whether those are terrorist groups, drug cartels, political parties, or even entire regimes, the reasons might vary from a change of the administration in the USA after a new president elected to as little as the CIA officer in charge retired or moved to another department, that's fine, using others against their people and against humanity is the nature of the US regimes since inception and nothing can be changed about that now, but will those proxies ever learn from all the letdown US proxies? How can the US keep finding such proxies around the world?

After Withdrawing from Afghanistan and soon from Iraq, What Will the Syrian Kurds Do?

I'm not sure I need to remind you of some of the examples of proxies the US regimes consumed and threw away as if they're even cheaper than used toilet papers, take Al Qaeda, ISIS, Manuel Noriega, Guiado, the former Egyptian President Mubarak, even Saddam Hussein, among an incredibly long list of individuals and groups, the stark example among all remains the Kurds, whether in Iran then in Turkey, in northern Iraq or now in northern Syria.

The question that arises when looking at the Kurdish - US relations and formerly the Kurdish - British relations: Do these people like to get used and later thrown under the train, repeatedly? Do they ever learn the lesson? People should learn from the first time, how come they're not learning from all these times they're seeing the USA letting down its proxies and worse: from all the lessons the Kurds themselves had with the USA letting them down and handing them on silver plates to their enemies?

Will they finally draw any lesson especially seeing their patrons letting down the Afghanis and prioritizing their dogs over the people who betrayed their country and served the invaders? Why don't they simply drop their aspiration to create another Israel within hostile countries on stolen land instead of simply living like all other citizens of these countries?

Husni Mahali, Turkish seasoned journalist brings up the history of the US and British betrayals to the Kurds and asks the question: After Withdrawing from Afghanistan and soon from Iraq, What Will the Syrian Kurds Do?

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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