Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Syrian President Forms his New Government Despite the Challenges and Western Threats

Syrian President Bashar Assad issued a decree today, Tuesday 10 August 2021, forming his new government after his re-elections, a major step in facing the ever-mounting US and EU threats, economic challenges, and continuous fighting terrorism and Israeli aggression.

President Assad Forms the New Cabinet, Little Changes High Challenges

There were much fewer changes than hoped for by the Syrian people in this new government, most of the ministers kept their posts and only five were changed out of the 29, this can be slightly justified that most of those ministers have only assumed their posts in August last year when the last government was formed after the President sacked the former prime minister and some of his ministers.

Keeping both foreign and defense ministers indicates that there would be no change in Syria's policies in dealing with other countries and in fighting terrorism and foreign occupation forces in Syria, I can say there would be an increase on these two levels as the ministers and their ministries received a renewal vote of confidence.

Syria is a presidential state, meaning the president is the top executive official and also this means that the new ministers need only to take their oath before the president and do not need the parliament's voting for affirmation since the president himself received the vote of approval from the people in the last elections. However, the Syrian Parliament is known, for decades and since its establishment, to be very strict in monitoring and holding the ministers responsible for any corruption or negligence in their respected ministries, many ministers in a number of former governments were sacked by the parliament, some were referred to legal investigations, and in once the entire cabinet was ousted by the parliament.

The Syrian people know these and that's why they didn't buy the western propaganda about the need for Western-style force exported democracy to their country.

More in this report: President Assad Forms the New Cabinet, Little Changes High Challenges.

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