Thursday, July 1, 2021

Syrian Army Gave 72 Hours Ultimatum to the US-sponsored Al Qaeda in Sanamin

Al Sanamin city is a small quiet city in the northern countryside of Daraa province, southern region in Syria, except it's infested by Al Qaeda terrorists sponsored by the USA.

72 Hours Ultimatum to Terrorists in Al Sanamin to Surrender their Weapons

These terrorists refused to join two previous reconciliations to drop their weapons, return to their normal lives, and give peace to their own families.

The Syrian army liberated the city from terrorists back in 2016 then again in 2018 and the terrorists each time return to the city after the SAA withdraws to their barracks, now they're surrounding the city and had it with the terrorists, the Russian military police mediated previous reconciliations, now they're not stopping the Syrian Army anymore.

The Syrian army and the security agencies in the region gave the final ultimatum to the terrorists to surrender their weapons and either join the reconciliation for the last time or get shipped to the northern regions of Syria in regions still under the occupation of NATO member state Turkey and its Al Qaeda terrorists.

More in this report: 72 Hours Ultimatum to Terrorists in Al Sanamin to Surrender their Weapons.

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