Saturday, May 29, 2021

President Assad's Victory Speech Challenging NATO

Syrian President Bashar Assad delivered a strong victory speech after securing the vast majority of the Syrian people's approval rating, at 95.1% in the presidential election concluded lasts Wednesday 26 May 2021.

President Bashar Assad Delivers a Strong Election Victory Speech

In his speech, President Assad described the terrorists as blind bulls used as a ride by their masters to destroy Syria and not what they say they're rebels. The president used the words in Arabic to add poetic meaning: 'Thawr' in Arabic means bull, 'Tha'er' in Arabic means rebel. President Assad told the Syrian people: 'you are the real rebels who gave the 'revolution' back its real meanings, not those bulls..'

Addressing the Syrian people, President Assad defaced the enemies of Syria who tried to overthrow the Syrian state and continue to destroy the country, he said: ' am confident that with this fighting spirit, we will be able to defeat all our enemies, no matter how many fights, and how much the horrors intensify.'

After 10 years of an unprecedented war of terror and war of attrition waged by the world's superpowers and super-rich countries against a single small country and that country is winning, this is giving President Assad all the confidence and strength he needs to continue on this path until the full liberation of the Syrian territories from terrorists and their US and Turkish patrons and to rebuild the country, as he stressed in his televised speech.

The speech (9 minutes) with English subtitles and the full transcript in English in this report: President Bashar Assad Delivers a Strong Election Victory Speech.

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