Saturday, April 10, 2021

US Mainstream Media Re-branding Al Qaeda Levant Head-choppers into Public US Allies

Importing terrorists from all sides of the world, training, arming and smuggling them into Syria, or other targeted countries, branding them as 'freedom fighters', 'moderate rebels', 'peaceful protesters', 'democracy promoters', or whatever fancy names that easily deceive the already foolish western citizens, that is the usual US policy since decades around the world, no matter what the consequences are especially that there has never been accountability for any of the crimes committed in the name of any of the above too much-exposed lies.

ISIS Al Qaeda Nusra Front FSA HTS US allies in Syria

The latest is the US mainstream media PBS attempt to whitewash the crimes of the so-called HTS in Idlib, Syria and present its leader Jolani as a moderate rebel and a US ally. Mind you, this particular HTS name which is an abbreviation of its Arabic name that stands for: 'Levant Liberation Authority' - 'Hayat Tahrir Sham', is the latest name of the same terrorist group which started as the FSA - Free Syrian Army and later to Al Qaeda Levant, Nusra Front - Jabhat Nusra, Hayat Fateh Al Sham, among other names, and each time they change their names the Syrian government and its allies expose the tactic and include the new names to the United Nations Security Council list of terrorist organizations despite the US efforts to block the listing, the lie is too thick.

This doesn't stop the US junta from trying all over again, now with the 'inclusive' and 'diverse' Biden White House junta they think they have a chance of rebranding the terrorist organization into something acceptable to their people to continue prioritizing funding these terrorist groups over the US's own infrastructure, students debts, healthcare, education, and we're not talking about the welfare of the US people.

Syria News, as always, uncover this latest plot in this detailed report about these terrorists and some of their war crimes against the Syrian people with the full blessings of the US regimes of Black Obama, Orange Trump, and Colorful Biden: Jolani: PBS Criminally Enters Syria, Meets Designated Terrorist of al Qaeda.

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