Friday, April 23, 2021

A Refugee Infant Killed in a Fire in Northern Lebanese Camp

A 1.5 years infant was killed and ten tents were burned in a fire that broke out in the refugee camp for displaced Syrians in the countryside of the Lebanese northern city of Tripoli today.

The Lebanese official media which conveyed the news did not elaborate on the cause of the fire, the latest in series of fires that burn down the already awful tents the displaced families are living in.

Fire in Syrian refugees  camp in Lebanon kills infant

Syrian refugees in neighboring countries are prevented from returning to their home country by the USA and its minions exerting the highest pressure on the United Nations and the host countries which in place make money they receive from the US and EU taxpayers for hosting the Syrian refugees.

The US's policy is regime change in Syria, they are using all the cards and tools imaginable and unimaginable to achieve this goal they're seeking for in more than a decade now.

The same camp was set on fire by Lebanese terrorists in December of last year, dozens of Syrian families were left without shelter in the cold of the winter while the US was forcing the United Nations and the countries it controls to boycott an international conference called for by the Syrian government to allow the Syrian refugees to return home.

Imagine if this child killed today is yours while you are happily paying your tax money to support your government's destructive policies against Syria...

More in this report: Syrian Infant Killed in a Fire in a Refugees Camp in North of Lebanon.

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