Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Syrians Suffer Shortages in Fuel and Bread while Biden Steals their Oil and Wheat

The Syrian government resorted to rationing the supplies of gasoline and diesel to the 16.5 million Syrians in the different provinces due to the inhumane blockade and sanctions imposed on the country by the fake hypocrite humanitarian western countries led by the USA.

Gasoline shortage in Syria because of the US blockade and lootin

The new rationing of 15% and 20% of quantities distributed to the Syrian provinces of gasoline and diesel respectively comes amid a severe shortage in supplies of these essential items.

Quantities contracted from normal countries have not arrived on time due to the difficulties while Biden's diversified regime continues the policies of the Trump's supremacist regime set by the Obama's Nobel Peace regime of starving and inflicting massive suffering on the Syrian people, and any people who do not accept to live under puppet regimes approved by the USA, the likes of the Saudis, ISIS, and Israel.

Syrians won't give up their struggle, they fought ISIS and Al Qaeda and defeated them, they can surely withstand some further suffering while the empire eats itself out, the price is worth it.

More about this latest chapter of suffering in this report: Syrian Government Rations Distribution of Fuel Amid NATO Blockade.

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