Sunday, March 21, 2021

Erdogan and His Terrorists Kill a Syrian Child in Northern Syria

The Turkish Madman Erdogan and his anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood terrorists killed a Syrian young child in his house in the city of Ain Issa (Ayn Issa) in northern Syria yesterday.

Erdogan terrorists bomb Ain Issa northern Raqqa Countryside, north Syria
Erdogan terrorists bomb Ain Issa northern Raqqa Countryside, north Syria - archive foto

The bombing of the town by the Al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists working for NATO's second most powerful leader Erdogan continue their work to Israelize large parts of northern Syrian provinces, Raqqa province is one of the heated ones which doesn't usually make it to the headlines in western mainstream media, their mission is done!

After the killing of the child, a new wave of the local families started fleeing the city which is infested by NATO's other sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist group.

The USA uses the Kurdish SDF armed group to lure in the Turkish intervention under the pretext of securing Turkey's national interests by continuing to destroy its southern neighboring country, Syria.

More on these developments in this report: Erdogan Kills a Syrian Child in Ayn Issa, Displaces Residents.

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