Sunday, January 3, 2021

Were Those Who Resisted the US Occupation of Iraq Insurgents or Terrorists?

Does anybody have any doubt still that the USA and its UK minion invaded, destroyed, plundered, and occupied Iraq based on lies and without any legal base? If yes, please stop reading this post and turn on to your favorite mainstream media show.

If the US occupation of Iraq was illegal, and it was, then those who fought the illegal occupation were insurgents or terrorists? Western mainstream media confuse their audience sometimes calling them insurgents and at other times call them terrorists, why so?

A member of Quora, the wiki Q & A social media platform put up a question in this regard, I'm copying my answer to the question on Quora here to preserve it from the platform's heavy censorship, they instantly blurred the image below as 'sensitive', and also to share the answer with the readers of this platform, here's the question and my reply:

Q: If the factions fighting against the coalition during the Iraq war were considered an 'insurgency' why were they also labeled as 'terrorists'? Isn't an insurgency selective while terrorism is indiscriminate?

A: Western mainstream media mastered the art of propaganda, they use the terminology to serve their purpose, an example:

good and bad terrorists

We had to do a special taxology listing with the different definitions to unconfuse our readers when comparing our posts with what they consume in western MSM: Moderate Rebels | Syria News.

By constantly bombarding their audience, we call Sheeple, with the same narrative around the clock and in a synchronized way across their large number of media platforms owned by 7 corporations only who happen to be all of the same agenda, they made their Sheeple think that those who fought the US invasion of Iraq in Iraq were sent by Syria and then came back to Syria because they’re terrorists and terrorism is indiscriminate, as you rightly said.

Syria overtly supported the Iraqi resistance against the US and UK occupation of Iraq, the USA and its UK partners in the crime created local terrorist groups and imported foreign terrorist groups to fight those fighting them.

All evidence on the ground and documented facts, confession of terrorists arrested, and declarations of former western officials and soldiers prove beyond any doubt that the USA and the UK used Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq to ignite a sectarian war between the major two sects of Islam in the country they occupied, the dream of Henry Kissinger: The 100 years war between Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Here’s a background: ISIS: The US Boogyman.

You can also take it from the horse’s mouth: 2 US secretary of states one confirming the USA created Al Qaeda in an official Congressional hearing and the other confirming in a leaked audio recording that the US used ISIS to threaten the Syrian President Bashar Assad into concession, he outsmarted them and invited Russia instead: The Pentagon Threatening to Revive ISIS.

To understand their techniques see how many times they rebranded Al Qaeda in Syria: Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda Levant, Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq, Al Qaeda Nusra, Nusra Front (Jabhat Nusra), The Levantine (Jabha Shamiyeh) Front, HTS - Hayat Tahrir Sham (Levant Liberation Authority)… and for the most of the first 7 years of the US-led war of terror against Syria, they were considering them as part of the Free Syrian Army. If a massacre was exposed to be committed by the FSA then instantly they accuse the Al Qaeda Levant; if they could hide the culprits they’d accuse the Syrian Army with it even though the victims are families of the SAA personnel; if the massacre was not that heinous: not many children killed in it, they’ll call it a ‘battle by the FSA against the ‘Assad Forces’, and when only civilians can be clearly seen as the victims they’ll call them ‘Shabbeeha’ - thugs.

There’s not a single western mainstream media outlet that is not involved in this propaganda spanning from Reuters to the BBC going through all other publications and TV channels, you name it they were involved directly with mastery in the art of disguise. When there are no actors on the ground to carry out crimes to satisfy their news agenda, the ‘journalists’ themselves would carry out the act: When CNN Crew Blew Up the Oil Pipeline in Homs.

We have better terminology: Those who resist foreign occupation are ‘resistance groups’, they’re mainly locals with help from others; those who work for the foreign occupation or other foreign agents are ‘mercenary terrorists’; those who carry out terrorist attacks based on ideology or their radical belief, like the Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabis are ‘terrorists’. See, simple terms derived from the types of their own acts.

Don’t let the masters of propaganda machines deceive you.

End of my reply on Quora.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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