Sunday, January 24, 2021

NATO Terrorists Bomb a Town in Northern Syria Killing a Woman and 2 Children

A woman and two children were killed and 7 other civilians injured in the town of Tal Rifat, northern Syria, when their homes were shelled by terrorists loyal to the Turkish top leader the Madman Erdogan using artillery. yesterday.

Syria Tal Rifat bombing Aleppo northern countryside

The victims were rushed to Aleppo University Hospital and the injuries of one of the wounded were severe and underwent series of surgical operations in attempts to save his life.

Multiple Russian-brokered ceasefires halted the Syrian army advance into the northwestern provinces of Idlib and Aleppo after the Turkish war criminal Erdogan obliged, each time, to dismantle the terrorist groups in areas his followers operate, instead of fulfilling his commitments, the double-faced Turk beefed up the terrorist numbers and weapons and sent thousands of Turkish army soldiers to serve as human shields to protect his Al Qaeda terrorists from the Syrian armed forces and their allies.

The US proxies operating in Syria are working to disperse the Syrian army and its allies efforts by opening up a number of battles across the country, especially after the re-emerging of ISIS terrorists in the eastern Syrian desert under the protection of US troops illegally positioned there, as what the Pentagon promised to do.

More in this report: Erdogan Terrorists Kill a Woman and 2 Children in Northern Aleppo.

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