Sunday, January 17, 2021

3 Civilians Killed 5 Injured in Separate Terrorist Attacks South of Syria

Two separate attacks in the past 24 hours in the southern Syrian province of Quneitra killed 3 civilians and injured 5 others.

US ISIS terrorists in Syria: Sweida, Quneitra, Daraa, Deir Ezzor

Trump promised to increase pressure against the Syrian people and his envoys said the same, the Pentagon threatened to revive ISIS, and today we're seeing the results.

Armed gunmen shot at the civilians in two villages in the northern and southern countryside of Quneitra, in the first attack 2 civilians were killed and two injured and in the second attack one civilian was killed and 3 injured.

These attacks come in addition to the hardship the Syrians are living through because of the increased sanctions by the USA and its EU minions and also by terrorists and other US proxies burning Syrian wheat and stealing Syrian oil especially in Syria's food bank the northeastern region of Jazira: Hasakah, Deir Ezzor, and Raqqa provinces.)

Details in this report: 3 Civilians Killed and 5 Others Injured in Terrorist Attacks in Quneitra, Syria.

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