Thursday, October 1, 2020

Russian Military Killed 133,000 Terrorists in Syria since September 2015


Do you know that the active number of the Syrian armed forces prior to 2011 was around 125,000 servicemen and servicewomen? The figures provided by the Russian minister of defense of the 133,000 terrorists the Russian servicemen killed in Syria alone from the end of September 2015 until now gives an idea what the Syrian people have faced and what they stood up for and what have they achieved on behalf of the whole world.

People far away from conflict zones do not really understand the amount of suffering but I'll help you get a hint:

Remember the Boston Marathon bombing of 15 April 2013? It was carried out by two brothers only and they used two pressure-cooker bombs. It took the entire US law enforcement powers they could gather from the state of Massachusetts under the 'Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency' umbrella to hunt down the two men for over 4 days killing one of them an in a shooting exchange and the other later in the evening of 19 April. The terrorists killed 3 persons and injured 264 others with two cookers. The authorities closed down the transportation system in the city, put over 20 blocks on lockdown throughout the manhunt.

Now put your brain to work and instead of 2 terrorists you have 6 and think of the casualties and the destruction and the efforts needed to hunt them down. Now consider that the Boston terrorists were not suicidals, the ones in Syria are and most of them wear their explosive vests almost all the time, let alone driving explosives-packed cars and armored vehicles.

Now instead of 6 think of a 100 in a city then imagine there are 200 suicide terrorists not using hand-made pressure-cookers but with the world's most advanced explosives provided to them by the world's superpowers and super-rich countries. Now start imagining the number of the terrorists are in the thousands in each city.

In the city of Douma, the last stronghold of the terrorists under the Jaysh Al Islam Saudi-funded organization, at the time of their defeat there were 60,000 suicidal heavily armed terrorists out of which about 20,000 surrendered and 40,000 accepted to be shipped to Idlib in the northwest of Syria, the current last stronghold of al Qaeda.

The 133,000 figure provided by the Russian Minister of Defense is the number of terrorists the Russian forces killed by air raids and by ground assaults, your western mainstream media report those as civilians and children and their headquarters are all hospitals and schools as if Syria had more hospitals than the rest of the world combined, hospitals not hospital beds...

In addition to the 133,000 terrorists killed by the Russians, the Syrian armed forces killed at least double that figure. In January 2017, we reported that there were 350,000 terrorists in Syria: Who Needs an Army of 350,000 Wahhabi Terrorists?

The main problem for the Syrians to get rid of terrorists in their country is not only the number of the terrorists that need to be eliminated, those who will fight to the end, and are mostly foreigners, but also what to do with the tens of thousands of the other terrorists? The Europeans are rejecting to get their citizens back and instead of helping the Syrian state eliminate those terrorists the Europeans are helping the US increase the pressure on the Syrian state to contain those terrorists within Syria...!


Russia has taken back a large number of terrorists from Syria who came from Russian republics: Syrian Arab Army Killed 5,000 Chechen Terrorists and Gifted Russia 4,200 More, the same with China, but most of the others are supporting the terrorists because the initial goal of recruiting that massive number of terrorists from all sides of the world is not achieved, which was to kill President Assad and take over Syria.

Now you should be always thankful for the Syrian people who refused to surrender, who stood up and fought these extremists sponsored by your governments. We paid an unimaginable hefty price to save our country and save the entire world from these human garbages which are now being recycled by the NATO top leader the Turkish madman Erdogan in his other fronts in Libya (oil) and in Azerbaijan (gas) against Armenia (first genocide was not enough).

More of Erdogan crimes against the Syrian people to settle thousands of the cornered terrorists in Idlib in lands in northern Syria occupied by Turkey and Trump forces: Erdogan Kills Seven Syrian Civilians, Two of them Children in Ras Al Ain

By the way, your government and its allies spent tens of billions of dollars to finance these terrorists and their crimes in Syria, machine guns and bombs are not cheap, let alone logistics, satellite communication devices, hot meals, uniforms, salaries, brand new 4x4 trucks and armored vehicles...

In addition to what your government (whichever country you come from) funded these terrorists and their crimes against the Syrian people using your tax money, the Saudis and Qataris alone spent 137 billion dollars until the year 2017 as per the former Qatari prime minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al Thani.

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