Sunday, October 25, 2020

Russia destroys an illegal fuel market in Jarabulus north of Aleppo October 2020

A Russian strike against an illegal fuel market outside the city of Jarabulus, north of Syria, destroyed dozens of oil tankers.

To watch the video on YouTube: 

The video on BitChute:

The Syrian oil is being stolen currently by the two top NATO member states Turkey and the USA, the first through terrorist groups of the anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood ideology, loyal to the Turkish Madman Erdogan including Al Qaeda Levant (aka Nusra Front), and ISIS, or what's left of it, and their affiliates.

The other Syrian oil thieves are the Kurdish separatist militia under the so-called SDF, PYD, YPG, Asayish, affiliated groups with once a patriotic PKK party, now stealing the Syrian oil under the protection of Trump forces, who also are operating illegally in Syria.

Some related useful links in this post: Erdogan and Trump’s Militiamen attack Syrian Towns in Raqqa Province

The video is shared by locals, we couldn't verify further.

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