Sunday, March 8, 2020

SAA Units Find Weapons, Caves & Tunnels in Cleanup; Erdogan’s Terrorists Breach CoH 19 Times

SAA units cleaning up areas liberated from al Qaeda terrorists have, as usual, found large stashes of weapons, stolen manufacturing plants having equipment replaced with bomb-making, and more caves and tunnels. Erdogan’s takfiri have breached the Cessation of Hostilities agreement in the Idlib de-escalation zone nineteen (19) times since 00:01 6 March — though Team Erdogan only listed one (1).

Among the breaches by the Erdogan regime takfiri savages announced on 7 March, were four rockets fired into the villages of Hazarin and Aldar-Alkaber, southern Idlib countryside. The result of the bombings were only material damages.
Also on 7 March, the swamp drunk Trump regime illegally delivered another military shipment to al Qaeda in Syria; from SANA: “The US occupation forces on Saturday sent a new convoy of trucks loaded with military and logistical reinforcements to the Syrian territories in another breach of international law.
“Local sources said that the 10 trucks have entered Syrian territories, coming from Iraq through al-Waleed illegal crossing point, and moved from al-Ya’aroubyia to the... Continue reading:

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