Wednesday, January 22, 2020

UN Arria Formula Douma Meeting: War Crimes against Syria, OPCW Corruption

The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations hosted an Arria Formula meeting on 20 January. Named for Venezuelan Ambassador Diego Arria, this process is an informal one, which does not require the standard diplomatic protocol. 

As the UN has been crying poor-mouth and must allocate its few pennies to such important things as SG Guterres flying to St. Lucia to cry over sargassum, it is not expected that the UN will add a report of this meeting to its website, despite the startling address to the attendees, by former OPCW inspections leader, Ian Hendersonwhich included his statement that there had not been a chemical attack in Douma.
Officially called Implementation of UNSCR 2118: OPCW FFM Report on Douma, Mr. Henderson was an invited guest of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the UN. The engineer and ballistics expert had been “the inspection team leader who developed and launched the inspections, the highly intrusive inspections of the Barzeh facility just outside Damascus. I did the inspections and wrote the report for the two inspections prior to and the inspection after the (chemical facility) or the laboratory complex at... Continue reading:

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