n another round of barbarity against Syria, NATO armed members of the Orwellian Benevolent Society again tried to obliterate the Mhardeh Power Plant. Using ground-to-ground mortars, missiles, and rockets, the neo-righteous injured two civilians, made others homeless, damaged the Power Plant and destroying infrastructure also in Soran and Tal Bazam village.
These terrorists attacks of 1 March are the most recent of never-ending breaches in what amounts to a unilateral “de-escalation zone agreement” concerning Idlib and surrounding areas. Syria has maintained its agreement, while “guarantors” Turkey and Qatar continue to support their pet factions of takfiri savages in the SAR.
Turkey and... Continue Reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/nato-media-mute-terrorists-bombing-syria/

These terrorists attacks of 1 March are the most recent of never-ending breaches in what amounts to a unilateral “de-escalation zone agreement” concerning Idlib and surrounding areas. Syria has maintained its agreement, while “guarantors” Turkey and Qatar continue to support their pet factions of takfiri savages in the SAR.
Turkey and... Continue Reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/nato-media-mute-terrorists-bombing-syria/
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