Landmines planted by, and left behind by migratory, moderate opposition terrorists have claimed the lives of another 3 Syrian civilians. Five others were injured, some seriously, when an anti-tank landmine exploded in Tal Maragha, in the eastern countryside of Hama on the border with Aleppo, on 8 January.
The criminal atrocities involving landmines are as frequent as war criminal slaughter of Syrian civiliansas to make one cynically consider creating a template, and simply changing the places and the death tolls. Last November, a 13 year old girl had her leg blown off, and her brother was... Continue reading:

The criminal atrocities involving landmines are as frequent as war criminal slaughter of Syrian civiliansas to make one cynically consider creating a template, and simply changing the places and the death tolls. Last November, a 13 year old girl had her leg blown off, and her brother was... Continue reading:
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