Monday, May 21, 2012

Washington Times Still Not Convinced USA Lost in Syria

After the entire world confirmed that Syria has won one of the worst plots to overthrow its sovereign government and install a puppet regime in its place, seems still some USAians either didn't realize it or don't want to realize it hoping further blood is spilled, here's one of them: Eric Golub.

In an article naively-titled President Obama surrenders to Syria, he still insists on warmongering. Not because his venue is of any importance, nobody usually reads Washington Times and it doesn't have any credible weight, but just for the sake of personal conscious relieving, I commented on his article:

"I don't feel the urge to read the full article, just the first couple of paragraphs were enough to recognize a warmonger from an analyst.

Just a reminder to the writer of this post: Washington tried, since ever, every single way to install a puppet regime in Syria, since 1950s in vain, and now the role is very obvious to the blind media that's why people like you could notice it.

If Syrians wanted to revolt they would've and didn't wait for your Obama to dictate them which president 'suits them better'. Syrians are more than happy enjoying for so long subsidized life essentials your people lack, like paying 1/5th of the cost for fuel, free education from 0 to PHD, free healthcare system from emergency checkup to periodic checkups to complicated surgical operations on the account of the govt, a great sense of personal security which was affected in recent riots but will come back very soon, freedom to move inside and abroad for the citizens, freedom to take public posts based on competency and not ethnic backgrounds like how the entire Foreign & Defense Affairs of the USA are controlled by a single ethnic group you know which, and I promise you, no sane human would let all those away just to earn the right to curse at the president of state openly, even that in Oriental cultures is not accepted.

Keep warmongering based on 'activists' accounts, what really matters is people on the ground and their stance that's enabling their state 'you call it regime' to thwart every single attempt to control them and their resources. All propaganda proved a lie, and just take yesterday's propaganda which was an attempt to release the stooges all over the country by giving them a hope that 5 top Syrian political, military and security officials were assassinated by the terrorists, to wake up after 2 hours from their fantasy."

Syrians proved to be immune to your lies, not only because they're more aware of their own interests and their own situation, but because they don't trust you for the long history of your hypocrisy.

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