Saturday, October 12, 2024

US/Israel Murders 9 Syrian Civilians Bombing Apartment Building in Damascus

Nine civilians including the entire family of a professor of medicine and his wife and 3 daughters, were murdered by the US Israeli satanic alliance bombing of an apartment building in the dense neighborhood of Al Mazzeh in the Syrian capital Damascus, nobody heard any condemnation by the self-described 'international community' or by any western politician or journalist.

US/Israel Murders 9 Syrian Civilians Bombing Apartment Building in Damascus

Video is available on RumbleBitChute, and YouTube.

On the eve of last Tuesday, 8th of October, the Israeli air force fired a guided missile from over the occupied Syrian Golan at 3 floors of an apartment building in the Syrian capital Damascus, a brazen escalation in the Israeli genocide on Gaza and then Lebanon, and a war crime by all standards.

Nine civilians including children and women, Israel's favorite bank of targets, were murdered by the heinous bombing, an entire family, a mother and her son, and a lady intern physician were among the victims.

Israel's continuous efforts to widen its one-sided genocide of the Palestinian people within the Gaza concentration camp is clearly obvious even to the blind that it's trying to drag in state armies so it can employ its controlled Western mainstream media to picture it as a victim attacked by its neighbors after it systematically murdered over 45,000 civilians in Gaza in the most conservative statistics.

More in this report: Israel Bombs Damascus Apartment House, Murders Nine.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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