Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Syrian Army's War on NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib

In the past two days, the Syrian Arab Army combating international terrorism in the northwestern Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Idlib, Hama, and Latakia lost several of its members who martyred defending their homeland, their families, and all of humanity, and inflicted heavy losses on the US-led NATO-sponsored al Qaeda Levant and ISIS remnants terrorists.

Idlib, Syria: The War on the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda Update

Continuing its war on the terrorists commanded by NATO's first and second-largest armies, the US and Turkish armies, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) used heavy artillery and multiple rocket launched grad missiles on the fortifications and gatherings of the world's filthiest filth human-looking creatures.

A point that cannot be missed is the supplies and fortifications of both Al Qaeda Levant (aka Nusra Front aka HTS) and Ansar Tawhid (ISIS remnants) especially in southern Idlib are through and next to areas illegally occupied by the Turkish Army, NATO's second-largest army whose presence in Syria is based on the allegation of the regime of the Turkish madman Erdogan that he is protecting his country from the terrorists in Syria, and the allegation of the US officials that they are combating ISIS in Syria...!

SAA units targeted the terrorists in their strongest fortifications mainly in the Al Zawya Mountain in southern Idlib countryside, in western Aleppo countryside, and in the Al Ghab Plains in the northern Hama countryside from which the terrorists were attacking northern Hama and Latakia.

My report on Syria News details the hourly clashes between the Syrian Arab Army and its allies with the terrorists of the NATO 'defensive' alliance during the past two days: Idlib, Syria: The War on the NATO-sponsored Al Qaeda Update.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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