Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Syria-China Strategic Partnership, a Slap to the USA It's Unable to Realize Its Magnitude

The US's decades-long feverish attempts to isolate Syria after failing to take over the country in CIA-organized coups, and the US-led NATO-sponsored war of terrorism and attrition escalating in the past 12.5 years, all of that topped with unprecedented sanctions and blockade by the USA and its satellite European and regional proxies is now seriously challenged by the world's largest economy and growing powerhouse, China.

Syria-China Strategic Partnership, a Slap to the USA It's Unable to Realize its Magnitude

"Today we will announce the establishment of the Chinese-Syrian strategic partnership, and this will be an important turning point in the history of bilateral relations."

The above words by President Xi Jinping during his summit with his visiting counterpart Syria's Bashar Al Assad marked a new and most important phase in the confrontation between the old world order crafted, led, and managed by the USA, and in particular the anti-God Zionists running the USA, and the new fast-emerging multipolar world order.

Russia's special military operation to expel NATO and the Nazis from Ukraine might be the European most important phase in the process of ending the US's decades-long hegemony over the world, dubbed by many as the US Empire era, the failure to subdue Syria was its real locomotive.

China realized this earlier when it saw the ability of the Syrian state and the Syrian Army to withstand the CIA et al color revolution (aka Arab Spring) and it signaled its understanding that it's time to end the US's so-called rules-based international order which nobody can explain not even the US top officials. The moment of truth for the world was when China used its veto right at the United Nations Security Council to vote down a NATO proposal to carry out another Libya in Syria, even though it didn't need to do so as Russia signaled it would be vetoing down any resolution to allow NATO to repeat their 'democracy-spreading' campaign of Libya in Syria.

The US and European officials didn't understand the seriousness of China's emerging as the new global heavyweight by using its veto rights to defend another nation for the first time in history, they had to try a couple more times and get slapped with the double Russian and Chinese vetos at the UNSC.

The USA continues to refuse to peacefully and quietly break its hegemonic evil global empire and instead started doubling down on its malign practices over the world, especially its direct act threatening the national security of both China and Russia, and the blatant flagrant meddling in Taiwan, China moved to face off and invites President Bashar Al Assad whose leadership managed to stop the Zionists global hegemony and reverse its gains, and brought President Assad on a Chinese plane and declared the establishment of the China-Syria Strategic Partnership in his presence.

This strategic partnership will eliminate the negative repercussions of the US and European sanctions and embargo on Syria after the Syrian Army and its allies militarily defeated the NATO forces of Al Qaeda and ilk in Syria.

The following report I translated for Syria News explains: Syria’s Assad’s Visit to China and the American Silence.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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