Friday, August 19, 2022

Kurdish Separatists in Northern Syria Claim they Killed 7 Turkish Soldiers

US-backed Kurdish SDF separatist terrorists claimed they killed at least 7 Turkish soldiers and injured several others in attacks across the borders with Turkey from their posts in northern Syria, this was on Tuesday 16th of August but announced yesterday, Thursday 18th of August.

In their statement, the Kurdish SDF terrorists provided details of the attacks and video footage allegedly of guided missiles striking Turkish posts.

Note: I call them terrorists because the Kurdish SDF are operating as a terrorist group aligned with the US army occupying parts of Syria, they have clashed with the Syrian army and have killed several Syrian personnel and they attack the Syrian people whenever they get the chance to do so.

2 of the attacks took place in northeast Aleppo countryside into the Turkish provinces of Urfa and Gaziantep, and the 3rd attack took place in northern Hasakah countryside into Mardin in southern Turkey, the Turkish ministry of war did admit they were attacked and mentioned some of the casualties.

It's not unusual for the different wings of NATO and their proxies to clash in northern Syria, even on the smaller levels, the proxy terrorists within each wing are clashing with each other.

These attacks come less than three days after a Syrian resistance faction targeted the Turkish Army and their affiliated Al Qaeda terrorists operating under the protection of the Turkish army killing 11 Turkish soldiers and Al Qaeda terrorists.

Details in this report: NATO Fratricide: US-sponsored Kurdish SDF Kill 7 Turkish Soldiers.

Your objective comments are always welcome.

Featured image:

NATO Forces Fratricide: US-sponsored Kurdish SDF Kill 7 Turkish Soldiers

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