Don't laugh, yet, the above is a real question asked by a member of the Quora Q & A wiki platform, it was sent to my inbox for an answer.
The person asking cannot be blamed for ignorance of the nature of missions the US Army carries out around the world, let alone the heinous and obvious criminal mission in Syria, the western audience is bombarded with brainwashing media by the Pentagon's mouthpieces the likes of the BBC, the Guardian, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Fox News, Sky News, et al, just see how all of them rally behind the US interventionist wars and how they demonize the Pentagon's targets.
I'm sharing my answer here to preserve it from Quora's heavy censorship and to share the information in it with readers of this platform:
Q: Does the U.S. Army have any peacekeeping missions in Syria?
My Answer:
I’m sorry but the question itself contains two contradicting phrases: the ‘US Army’ and ‘Peacekeeping’, the two do not go along.
What US officials would label as ‘peacekeeping missions’ is literally an occupation of territories of another country, or if invited by a state official in that country that would be to protect an unpopular ruling class from their people.
John Kerry, the former US secretary of state and career legislator with vast experience in foreign policy, international law, and the US’s own legislation, he simply explains it:
“The Russians were invited in by the legitimate ‘regime’ and we’re not invited in, we’re flying in airspace there where they (the Syrian air defense) can turn on air defense and we have a very different scene..”
Listen to him in the leaked recording in this explosive post:
The Pentagon Threatening to Revive ISIS
So, the US Army presence in Syria is anything but ‘peacekeeping’ they’re not welcomed in the country, in the matter of fact, they’re asked to leave not only by the Syrian state but also by most other countries around the world and even by the United States Security Council resolutions they vote in favor each time, in each of the UNSC resolutions relating to Syria, the preface starts with: ‘respecting Syria’s sovereignty and integral territories’, foreign forces uninvited by the Syrian state which holds a seat in the United Nations and attends UNSC meetings representing Syria, these foreign forces are occupation forces and are not ‘peacekeeping’ missions.
Actually, the US Army has been reported to steal Syrian oil, wheat, burn down wheat fields, and smuggle Syrian gold and antiquities, not to mention aiding terrorist groups including ISIS as in the above report.
Hearing is Not Like Seeing:
NATO’s Terrorists Burning Syrian Wheat Crops – Video
Trump burns Syrian wheat fields on Christian Sabbath
It’s not only in Syria, the US forces have never been part of any real peacekeeping mission anywhere in the world, their missions would always be to aid the unpopular side of any conflict.
End of my answer on Quora.
Your objective comments are always welcome.
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