Thursday, September 17, 2020

New Wave of Terrorist Attacks in the Southern Syrian Province of Daraa

The US-sponsored terrorists have waged a new wave of attacks in the city of Daraa and its countryside targeting the Syrian Arab Army personnel, law enforcement, and even former terrorists who laid down their weapons and returned to their normal lives.

Despite huge efforts from the Russian Reconciliation Center in trying to persuade the remaining terrorists in laying down their weapons and returning to normal lives, seems the US taxpayers' generosity is much overwhelming, the terrorists not only refused the Russian offer, but they also increased their attacks. Mind you, each terrorist attack requires, in addition to the salaries for the terrorists, massive logistic efforts that include satellite surveillance and communication, and weapons and munition, military-grade gears, housings, and transportation in armored vehicles. All of these are covered by the US citizens and the citizens of other countries sponsoring these criminals.
A former judge, a senior military officer, a law enforcement officer, and civilians were all killed or injured in the past week alone in the province of Daraa by numerous terrorist attacks that range from shooting to detonating booby-trapped cars.

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