While these vermin beyond description- who even the great wordsmith Oscar Wilde could never have hoped to describe anywhere near adequately- were murdering Syrians, Recep Erdogan seems to have prevailed at the tripartite Russia/Turkey/Iran meeting in Tehran to discuss what should happen in Idlib. It may be a stretch to call it a train wreck, but the three leaders were engaged in a public debate, Hassan Rouhani and Vladimir Putin on one side, Erdogan on the other. Rouhani was closest to Syrian government desires to conduct a full operation to cleanse the province of terrorist groups. Putin, while expressing the urgency to destroy Al-Qaeda forces, was sympathetic to Erdogan’s desires to exclude Turkish backed Free Syrian Army forces from anti-terrorist operations.
Erdogan showed once again that with friends like him who needs enemies by proposing a... Continue reading: https://www.syrianews.cc/erdogan-buys-time-for-terrorists-at-the-tehran-summit/
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